Pearl Shen Long Thijssen

Hello, I’m Pearl! I’m a G4 in the Physics department, running to be the Garden Coordinator. I’ve been living at Lakeside for the past two years, throughout which I’ve really enjoyed being a part of the Lakeside garden. Gardening has been a wonderful outlet for me throughout my life, both growing up in Washington state and in all the places I’ve lived and studied since – it’s a great way to be immersed in the environment and find peace (or peas!). I’ve worked in college gardens as an undergrad, and was enthusiastic about making them a fun place to enjoy nature, be outdoors, and take part in rewarding activities for everyone living there. At Lakeside, the garden has been a wonderful refuge from the pressures of academic life for me, as I know it is for many of us, and I would love the opportunity to ensure that it continues to be a welcoming and enjoyable space for everyone.

As the Garden Coordinator, I would love to introduce some new ideas to build on the many aspects that have made the garden successful so far. To make more efficient use of communal spaces and promote local biodiversity, I’d like to try planting some small native flowers or herbs in unused areas such as near empty fences (that don’t border on any plots) and the shed to attract beneficial pollinators. To reduce erosion and absorb excess water on some pathways, I would trial using stones and slow-growing ground covers to shore up the pathways. In addition, I’d love to create more opportunities to share knowledge and promote a sense of community via garden events. As well as continuing existing events such as seed starting and cleanup, I would like to organize a seed-saving event at the end of the season, and seed-swapping in the spring. This would both promote more sustainable and rewarding gardening practices and create a venue through which gardeners can exchange their knowledge and experiences with gardening at Lakeside. Finally, as I’ve been enjoying growing lots of native plants and edible flowers as well as odd varieties you won’t find in the grocery store over the past few years, I’d love to support any other gardeners who would like to experiment with different unique, easy-to-grow plants to make the garden more diverse and personal for everyone!

See you all in the garden! 🙂

Pearl T.