Sports Equipment at Lakeside

Dear Lakeside residents,

We are excited to announce that Lakeside has new sports equipment available for residents to check out! A storage box has been installed next to the volleyball court, where you will find frisbees, volleyballs, basketballs, badminton, spikeball, and pickleball supplies.

A few guidelines regarding usage: 

  • The box has a lock with a code, to be shared only with Lakesideresidents. For the code, please email us at
  • The equipment is checked out on an honor system basis; there is a sign-out sheet in the box, which everyone must fill out when checking out and returning the equipment. Please note that if the equipment is damaged or goes missing, it may not be replaced. We ask that everyone do their part in making sure we can keep this initiative going. 
  • Please keep the equipment on the Lakeside property, and return it promptly to the box after use (i.e., within a few hours). 

This information will also soon be available on our committee website. Please let us know if you have any questions or would like to know the box code!